
JVDI is a nonprofit grassroots NGO that partners with communities in rural Malawi to deliver crucial projects.

Who We Are

The Joint Villages Development Initiative (JVDI) is a nonprofit NGO based in Malawi.

Our Vision

Where all people overcome poverty and live a better, more environmentally sustainable life.

Our Mission

To permanently improve the livelihood of JVDI beneficiaries by providing a conducive environment for socio-economic, environmental, and health improvements.

Our Objectives

To alleviate poverty through an integrated holistic approach, by implementing projects that are well-researched, sustainable, economical, and that will function smoothly for community members for decades to come. Our projects will address both urgent and long-term needs in the following categories:

  • Sanitation, hygiene, and access to potable water
  • Sustainable management and utilization of natural resources, especially forests
  • Sustainable agriculture with increased yields
  • Gender equality and reducing gender-based violence
  • Childhood and youth education and wellbeing
  • Healthcare
  • Business and technical skills training
  • Nutrition and food security

Our Strategy

JVDI partners with Community Based Organisations (CBOs) who are well established and respected in their communities, and who have had a history of successfully implementing improvement projects in their respective villages.

With the help of our partners, we identify critical needs within communities and partner with experts to deliver project that fulfill those needs. We find ways to build human capacity through each step of our projects, so that communities become self-sufficient and so that long-term positive behaviour change continues to occur after the project funding cycle is complete.

Our History

It was originally conceived of by a dedicated group of individuals who operated the Zomba Urban Women’s AIDS (ZUWA) Support Centre, a Community Based Organisation (CBO). With a lack of steady funding to make critical and life-changing improvements to the community, the ZUWA committee decided to form an official registered NGO in fall 2020.

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